Welcome to Globethics

Engage and learn about ethical leadership, improving decision-making and action worldwide

Our global mission

Founded in 2004, our mission is to equip individuals and institutions for ethical thinking, decision-making and action through higher education and policy engagement from cross-cultural and global perspectives.

downloads of our certified publications since 2015
people trained in ethics since 2004
institutions worldwide contributing to our mission
Our global community: regions and centres
North America Centre
New York
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Latin America and the Caribbean Centre
Buenos Aires
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Europe & Central Asia Centre and Head Office
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Western Africa Centre
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MENA Centre
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Southern Africa Centre
Cape Town
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South Asia Centre
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Eastern Africa Centre
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East Asia Pacific Centre
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Globethics regions and sub-regions
Northern America
  • Canada and neighbouring countries
  • USA and the neighbouring countries
Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Central America and the Caribbean
  • South America
  • Brazil
Middle East & North Africa
  • North Africa
  • Near East
  • The Gulf
Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Southern Africa
  • Eastern Africa
  • Western Africa
  • Francophone Africa
Europe and Central Asia
  • Western Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • Western Central Asia
  • Russia
South Asia
  • South Asian Countries
  • India
East Asia Pacific
  • East Asia
  • Oceania
  • China