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Read all about ethics and our resources, events and projects worldwide.

Gratitude, growth, and a bright future
Celebrating 20 years of Globethics

Resilience amid war: Insights from the Ukrainian crisis
During a three-day international consultation in Warsaw, representatives from major European churches convened to reflect on the ethical challenges of fostering peace.

Strengthening anti-corruption efforts in MENA
Globethics showcased its expertise at a third major event across MENA countries within less than a month.

Globethics: 20 años de impacto, 10 años en América Latina y el Caribe
El 29 de octubre de 2024, Globethics celebró 20 años desde su fundación y 10 años de presencia en América Latina y el Caribe.

Repensando la educación en la era de la inteligencia artificial
Globethics participó activamente en el Seminario Internacional "La Inteligencia Artificial desafía los sistemas educativos".

Ethical investment and leadership manual launched
As a result of the ACAP initiative, Globethics and AACC launch a manual empowering churches for sustainability and good governance in Africa and beyond.