Academic research
In collaboration with our partner higher education institutions, Globethics produces and disseminates top-level academic research on the priority thematic areas: higher education, sustainability and environmental justice, digital and emerging technology, and inclusive peace and responsible governance.
To ensure our academic research represents diverse and inclusive perspectives, we engage competence centres around the globe to co-develop innovative research projects, and we make it our mission to involve the new generation of scholars in ethics with the Globethics Doctoral School.
Competence centres
Globethics competence centres are higher education institutions or research centres with a particular focus on teaching, learning, research, publications or library content curation in our strategic focus areas.

With an agreement on a three-year research agenda, signed by representatives of the leadership of the Universidad de los Andes (Uniandes) and Globethics during the international conference on Transversal Ethics in Higher Education: Facing the Challenges of Contemporary Societies in Bogotá, from 1 to 3 November 2023, Globethics starts a new period in its organisational life and worldwide partnership engagement to spearhead international, collaborative research.
Globethics Doctoral School
The Globethics Doctoral School is planned as a biennial event, with rotating host institutions and the intention to invite emerging scholars from various disciplines to contribute to thought-leadership in ethics and to enrich the organisation’s global engagement around its strategic thematic priorities.

From 24 September to 5 October 2024, Globethics, in partnership with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, held its first Doctoral School for PhD candidates from around the world. Under the title Inclusive Peace and Responsible Governance, 40 doctoral candidates in their early research phase will be selected by an international scientific committee to take part in a peer-to-peer programme accompanied by leading academic teachers with expertise in the thematic area.