Doctoral School

Globethics Doctoral School
From 24 September to 5 October 2024, Globethics, in partnership with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, held its first Doctoral School for PhD candidates from around the world. The 12-day-long research-oriented programme focused on the topic Ethics of Inclusive Peace and Responsible Governance.
Due to unprecedented demand, the Globethics Doctoral School 2024 was developed in a hybrid format with access to an online programme available to all candidates participating in person in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and to additional candidates participating online only.
Who can participate in the Globethics Doctoral School?
An international scientific committee selects up to 40 PhD candidates in their early research phase, affiliated with higher education institutions in different countries, to participate in this peer-to-peer programme accompanied by leading academic teachers with expertise in the thematic area.
Participants’ own case studies related to the Doctoral School’s topic form the foundation for the academic exchanges in study groups, punctuated by lectures and local exposure visits. The international and cross-cultural character of the Globethics Doctoral School provides unique opportunities for a specialised research exchange on ethics around the globally relevant theme.
- Acquire knowledge and competencies on inclusive peace and responsible governance
- Develop methodological skills in the investigation of intersectional research topics related to peacebuilding
- Gain knowledge on the conduct of empirical research in a conducive learning environment in Indonesia
- Join the network of emerging experts in ethics and global affairs and learn from high-profile international academic facilitators and mentors
Meet the onsite facilitators and mentors for 2024
Meet the online academic facilitators for 2024

Applications and Selection Process
Who can apply?
The onsite GDS 2024 targets international doctoral students and doctoral students from Indonesia, preferably in their first or second year of doctoral studies. In addition, international doctoral candidates will be invited to apply for the integrated online programme. Up to 40 doctoral candidates will be selected.
The programme is open to candidates of various academic disciplines, without restriction, with a completed PhD research proposal. Applicants will be invited to demonstrate their strong interest in research on ethical themes.
Read the full selection criteria here.
How to apply?
Applicants are asked to complete the application form and submit supporting documents including their CV, certificates, transcript(s) and doctoral programme admission letter; an academic recommendation letter; a motivation letter, a copy of the doctoral research proposal, a 3-minute introductory video clip on the candidate’s motivation and research interests (mobile-phone quality sufficient), and a concept note of 500 words on a contextual case study related to the GDS 2024 theme (presentation to be developed and shared during the GDS 2024).
Globethics will offer the Doctoral School in English. However, in view of ensuring linguistic diversity, provisions will be made throughout the programme for participants to meet in regional and linguistic groups organised according to the following languages: French, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia. Writing of final assignments in the aforementioned languages.
Fees and Scholarships
The programme fees of the onsite Globethics Doctoral School, including teaching, accommodation with meals, cultural visits and activities, and local transportation to and from the airport and in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, for the two-week duration (arrival day 23 September and departure day 6 October 2024), is USD 2,250 per candidate, excluding the international travel cost. All applicants should be able to cover the cost of their return travel from their home/departure destination to Yogyakarta (Indonesia).
We encourage applicants to secure funding for the programme fees through their academic institution. However, with the support of Globethics and its partners in the project, scholarships will be available to cover the programme fees for some candidates. Applicants are invited to notify via the application form, whether they or their institution will cover the programme fees, or whether they wish to apply for a full scholarship.
Participation in the online doctoral programme is free of charge and includes access to the online learning platform. The cost of a Certificate of Completion for online participants is USD 30.
Programme and workload
The GDS 2024 consists of a hybrid-onsite programme: 12 days in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from 24 September to 5 October 2024, plus a 4-week online programme running in parallel from 16 September 2024 to 11 October 2024.
The programme is designed around four tracks exploring different perspectives on the Doctoral School topic of Inclusive Peace and Responsible Governance:
- Track 1: Thinking Pluralisms: Cultures, Religions and Values in a World of Diversity
- Track 2: Sustainable Development, Participatory Governance and Human Rights
- Track 3: Democracy, State, Civil Society Participation and Civic Responsibility
- Track 4: Peacebuilding, Conflict-Resolution and Restorative Justice
Online programme
The online programme runs across 4 weeks, from 16 September 2024 to 11 October 2024. Facilitated via a virtual learning platform, this programme will be completed by both online-only and hybrid-onsite participants, offering all candidates the opportunity to engage with each other and with the academic instructors. The programme will include keynotes, paper colloquium and feedback sessions.
Onsite programme
The Globethics Doctoral School will be offered onsite in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from 24 September to 5 October 2024. In addition to the online sessions, the programme will include mentoring and methodology workshops, case study presentations and research groups, as well as community building and group excursions, and time for personal study and visits.
The Doctoral School programme comprises an estimated 135 hours workload.