Entrepreneurs with Christian Values. Training Handbook for 12 Modules

by Christoph Stückelberger, Cui Wantian, Teodorina Lessidrenska, Wang Dan, Liu Yang, Zhang Yu


Entrepreneurs with Christian Values are committed to be faithful to their vision, values and convictions. They decide about profit, people, power and planet in the light of their values. This handbook is based on Christian values and has a focus on sustainability and a geographic focus on China. The 12 topics are: 1 Christian Faith and Values, 2 Employees, 3 Governance, 4 Management, 5 Product and Marketing, 6 Performance and Profit, 7 Innovation, 8 Investments, 9 Environment, 10 Law, 11 Community, 12 Competitiveness. The handbook is the result of an international cooperation between Globethics.net and the Kingdom Business College KBC in China. Chinese Christian entrepreneurs gave important inputs. It is a handbook for Trainers, Students and persons with leadership responsibility in companies.