Globethics Pool of Experts
An international, vibrant and innovative space for advancing knowledge on ethics
What is the Pool of Experts?
The Globethics Pool of Experts understands itself as a collaborative community of practice for expert exchange, co-creation, together with the Globethics management, on cutting-edge ethical topics as related to the Globethics strategic priorities.
The Pool of Ethics Experts, which comprises 57 members representing 27 countries, offers a vibrant illustration of how to use expert power for positive impact in key areas of publication, course development and instruction, institutional outreach, participation in academic community events and representation in global and regional events.
Meet the ethics experts
Experts on Ethics and Standards in Higher Education

Experts on Ethics of Sustainability and Environmental Justice

Experts on Ethics of Digital and Emerging Technologies

Experts on Ethics of Inclusive Peace and Responsible Governance

What the Pool of Experts is about and how it works
The Globethics Pool of Experts understands itself as a collaborative community of practice for expert exchange, co-creation, together with the Globethics management, on cutting-edge ethical topics as related to the Globethics strategic priorities. Membership of the Globethics Pool of Experts is pro bono.
- Members of the Pool of Experts are convened to join one of the four working groups in a dedicated space, created on the Globethics Academy online platform, for the purpose of continuous reflection, mutual intellectual stimulation and work on existing projects that members would like to share and work on with other experts (e.g. discussion papers, research initiatives).
- Pool of Experts members may be solicited to represent the organisation at regional and international events.
- In addition, they also may be invited to join Globethics projects and activities as subject matter experts.
- All Pool of Experts members are convened once per calendar year to an annual round table to facilitate an exchange on ongoing developments and trends.
Criteria for Appointment to the Pool of Experts
Globethics appoints as members of its Pool of Experts qualified individual persons who identify with the Globethics vision, mission and values and fulfill the following criteria:
- A PhD, or a Master's with an academic track record, publications, or evidence of policy engagement or other relevant professional experiences;
- Evidence of a high level of expertise and experience in an ethically relevant academic discipline or professional field;
- Evidence of scholarly or specialised professional expertise in one of the four Globethics strategic thematic priority areas;
- Interest in international, cross-cultural and interregional experience, engagement and relationships;
- Evidence of competencies and readiness to advance Globethics’ mission, especially regarding expert co-creation on ethics in higher education and global engagement.
The selection and appointments to the Pool of Experts are at the discretion of the Globethics Executive Committee, and appointments are for a duration of three (3) years renewable. Globethics particularly invites emerging scholars to join the Pool of Experts and commits itself to applying the selection criteria in consideration of their specific career phase.
Which benefits does the Pool of Experts provide to its members?
- Visibility of the experts on the Globethics Pool of Experts webpage;
- Free access to Globethics online Library on ethics with 1 million curated resources;
- Free access to high-quality Globethics academic publications on ethics and the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (JEHE);
- Possibility of free guest access for a limited duration of up to three (3) weeks to all Globethics online course programmes;
- A preferential discount rate for a cohort registration to a paid online course programme upon agreement between Globethics and the member’s institution;
- The possibility of being asked by the Executive Committee to take on remunerated mandates.